Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14/2009 - The Chaos Continues

The count down is on. Less than 17 days till we move out of our house, and less than a month till we board a plane heading to Abu Dhabi. This is where our adventure will begin. BUT to get to that point there is a lot of things that need to be done first. Man, it seems that for everything that we get to cross off the list there are five more things that need to be added.

The house looks like a hurricane has hit it, but we have sorted out a lot of things from the house and boy does the purging feel good. You can collect a lot of stuff that you seem to move from house to house.

We now have a place to move to in Abu Dhabi, and some furniture will be there when we arrive. For the first couple of days we will be staying in a hotel until we get the rest of theings bought and moved in. I'm sure the kids will love that. Swimming in the pool and whatnot.