Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas - December 20, 2009

We have put up our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. It actually doesn't look that bad once you have the lights on and you squint to get them to sparkle :) The kids have loved it. Every day they check it out and want to close the curtains so that they can put the lights on.

We would like to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS from Abu Dhabi.

Tourists in Abu Dhabi- December 20, 2009

Well our visitors have been here a week and where has the time gone? Nana and Grandad did some exploring of the downtown while everyone else was at work/school. Patrick and Samantha took them in to show their classes and for the winter concert. Thank goodness the concert is over- Samantha will maybe stop singing "Jingle Bells". Ha! Fat chance!! :)

We went to the Grand Mosque on Thursday. Once again, it was awe inspiring. Don't we look lovely in our togs.
On Saturday, we went to the Heritage Village; what a neat place. They had set up a sample of homes in a fishing village, homes in a farming community, museum - with jewerly, clothes, photos, dishes, swords, buildings with some samples of the crafts - leather, shell inlay, swords, perfumes, pottery, camels, Arabian horses. Nana and Grandad found the dhow boats. Go figure! :) Patrick got to try out his hand at making a vase (Sophie, you would've been proud!)
This next week we are headed out for a little tour of the northern Emirates and into Oman. It should be a pretty awesome drive (if a bit nerve wracking). Checking out Google Earth there are a lot of switch-backs with the edge of the ocean on one side and the mountain face on the other. We will post photos when we come back.