Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dubai - 25-26th February, 2011

We decided to do some sightseeing in Dubai this weekend.  Our first stop was at the Dubai mall for lunch and the aqarium.  Along the way, the boys got sucked into the remote control toy shop.  Wayne is drooling over the fighter plane and whining that he wants one.  While Samantha found some pretty shoes for Auntie Patrice - of course they were pink!

Patrick you are standing awefully close to that shark!  That evening the kids and I had a picnik at the hotel while Wayne and his parents went and did some serious gold shopping.  The next day, we visited the souks and markets and had lunch along the water.

Nana and Grandad visited Dubai another day when Wayne had business meetings there.  They had fun wandering the docks and enjoying the sights.