Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Masdar - 11 February, 2011

Well Nana and Grandad arrived earlier this week, so we thought to take it easy this weekend.  Wayne took us to Masdar for a look around.  We got to drive in a "magic no-driver car" (as Patrick called it).  It was right out of the Jetsons and very cool.  Samantha told our "driver" where we were heading.

The residence buildings and library for the university were neat to see with their odd designs.  Wayne gave us a techno-tour of all the sustainable design stuff and the windtower he worked on.

They also had these little fountains that change colours all over the place (second photo); Samantha thought they were really neat and wanted me to include a photo for her.

Air show in Al Ain - 4 February, 2011

Wayne took the kids to the air show in Al Ain with friends of ours.  They had a wonderful time - I could tell because they came home tired and all excited to tell me EVERYTHING!  There was the helicopter that did tricks and played the yo-yo (below).

There were power-gliders that did some neat tricks with coloured smoke while less than one metre apart.

Wayne said he took these pictures for the kids - but I think he took it for the girls on the planes ;)

There were stunts where motorbikes jumped over flying planes.

By the sounds of things there were so many tricks and demostrations going on that it was an action packed day.

Samantha said she liked the heart planes best :)