Friday, February 11, 2011

Dead Sea - December 26, 2010

We arrived in Jordan and got our car to try and find our hotel.  We only got lost once - thank goodness for GP :)  The countryside was beautiful...  We stayed at a Holiday Inn resort at the north end of the Dead Sea; after the hotels in Egypt it was an absolute paradise.

Today was a take it easy kinda' day.  We headed down to the beach of the Dead Sea.  Patrick and I checked out the mud - it is suppose to have special powers. 

What a weird feeling it was to "swim" in the Dead Sea.  It was very hard to actually swim - it was easier to just float on your back and move around by your arms.  Wayne was able to "stand" but not touch the bottom and still have half of his body out of water.  Samantha couldn't stay in because she had a rash on her hands and it hurt too much in the water.  Patrick had fun pretending he was riding a bike in the water.

Of course we had to get the typical shot of Wayne reading a paper while floating! :)