Saturday, March 27, 2010

The day of the Lizards - March 26,2010

Out on our hike today, we saw many cool things - rock formations, plants/flowers, and LIZARDS.

This "Granddaddy" of lizards did not move a muscle the whole time.

The "Hey look at me - I'm Blue!" Lizard.  This guy moved so fast Wayne was very lucky to get a shot - I had to throw out 10 of them - too blurry.

This guy was the shy, quiet one.  He blended right into the background.  I had to have the kids help me keep an eye on him for when he moved so that I could get another shot.                               
   ...and finally...
This little guy was so small, he might have been an inch and a half.  He was a cutie.  More on our camping weekend later....