Monday, September 7, 2009

More on Jebel Hafeet - September 7, 2009

I just wanted to share a few more photos of Jebel Hafeet. It was a really neat drive going up the mountain, and sometimes the pictures just don't do it justice. But you try anyway.

The first one is an outcrop while driving up the mountain. The rock was neat because you could see the bands of sediment and there were even bands of the reddish color of rock. The kids found a few really neat ones with multicolour bands of beige, red and yellow. We even found some fossils, which was cool.

The next picture was taken in Oman. It was neat the way they cut through the rock for the road. The kids thought that it was cool that there were these steps.

And finally, a picture of our hotel at sunset. The entrance way into it was neat because from the road you have to drive down to it. The really cool thing is that in the hotel lobby they have actual living walls. There were only five floors to the hotel but on the top floor they had flower boxes full of vine plants that grew right to the ground floor. On that note.... Good Night!

People will always surprise you - Monday Sept. 7, 2009

The kids and I just got home from school. We had a snack and Patrick and Samantha are doing a bit of homework and I thought I would share this wonderful story with you.

Wayne dropped us off at school this morning as he needed the car for some meetings with Masdar (hopefully things will be finalized this week). So the kids and I had to take the taxi home, which is alright, we've done it before. So after school we headed out and did a bit of walking to the next street down, where I thought it would be easier to catch a taxi. I thought wrong! By the time they got to us they were all taken. We must have been out there for about 15 minutes waiting. (I know that doesn't seem like much, but the kids were soaked and so was I) The kids were really good considering how hot it was. They suggested that we maybe walk a bit farther down and try there. So off we went. We were maybe another 5 minutes and then this car pulls up close and rolls down its window to talk to us. This nice Sri Lankan lady asked me where we are going. After much describing and hand waving of where abouts we were going, we hopped in and they brought us home. What a nice drive. It made my day and I thought I would share this story. See there are still some people out there that will always surprise you with their thoughtfulness.