Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our first day in Iceland - June 28, 2011

Well we are off to start our next adventure in ICELAND!!!  The kids are awaiting our flight in the Abu Dhabi airport at like 2 in the morning. We had no hiccups in our flight and after a long day we finally arrived, checked in, grabbed a quick pizza, and fell into bed.  We were up super early (4 am)and since it was already light out went for a walk in Reykjavik.

Above pic- Outside our hotel and looking down the street to the water.
Below pic- We walked along the harbour.

We headed back for breakfast and awaited our rental car so we could start our tour.  There is some awesome scenery in Iceland.  We explored a few places that weren't on our tour but who can resist the call of geocaches and the unknown roads leading into the mountains :)

The kids dubbed our car "Baby Beastor".  It was so tiny compared to Beastor back in Abu Dhabi but it had the heart for our adventures. Patrick enjoyed lifting a huge chunk of pumice but had a hard go at it (wink wink, nudge nudge). 

The pictures above are of the countryside as seen from the car.  The middle picture below is of Seljalandsfoss with the outer two of the surrounding area.

This waterfall was neat in that you could walk behind it- very slippery but very cool.

Our next stop was the glacier but Samantha saw these horses and we HAD to stop to take a look.  It ended up that there were more Icelandic horses and sheep than actual people. 

We stopped to see the glacier Solheimajokull.  It was neat but a bit disappointing to see it covered in volcanic ash.  The kids wanted to hike on it but we thought it best to go with a tour and maybe leave that for another time (next trip).

Our last stop of the day was at Dyrholaey, which is a massive natural arch (last pic in the middle) on the coast.  It took us a bit to find it but that was ok because we had fun on the beach exploring and relaxing.  The beaches were black sand/pebbles and had cliffs lining the coast.  What an amazing place.

After a long, exhausting, fun day we went to our hotel in Skogar.  It was right beside another waterfall but we will explore that tomorrow...


Sam's Birthday


Under Construction... :)

Long Weekend with Friends in Oman

Under Construction... :)

Fujairah -Spring Break

Our first day of spring break we headed down to Fujairah for a week of exploring and playing on the beach.  We had a road side picnic on the way.  Once we arrived at the hotel we hit the beach - some of us to play, some of us to chillax...
We saw our first jellyfish.  These were ok and didn't sting you, just very weird to touch while swimming.  We moved to a different section of the beach where there weren't as many and Wayne taught the kids to ride the waves.

That's it wait for it, wait for it, GO!

More of the week coming your way.....