Friday, December 11, 2009

It's "raining" in Abu Dhabi - 11 December, 2009

Just a short note today. This morning it was spitting a bit, so the kids and Wayne went up to the roof to go swimming in the rain. They came back down after a very short swim shivering and with their teeth chattering away. I guess it was very windy and cold on the roof since it was so dark out due to the clouds. The rain also didn't last very long this morning.

So we spent the day getting ready for our first visitors to Abu Dhabi. The kids were great through the shopping and cleaning, so we decided to go out for supper. On our way there it started to spit again. So it rained twice today! The kids were very excited about the whole thing and wanted me to post it on the blog to let everyone know that it does rain here. :)

We are all excited about Nana and Grandad coming for a visit in 2 days! We got a little Charlie Brown fake tree (a measly 5 feet tall), and some decorations for it. We will probably put that up when Nana and Grandad get here.