Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dubai Mall Aquarium - September 19, 2009

After we finished at the Mosque we headed to Dubai for the afternoon. On the way to Dubai we saw wild camels (at least we think they were wild). I got Wayne to stop so that we could get some pictures. :)

I know this sounds silly but we headed to the Dubai Mall. At the mall they have this huge aquarium. One of the largest aquariums in the world, housed in the world's largest mall right next to the world's largest building. Hmmmm- do you see a pattern here?

This aquarium was COOL. They had all kinds of fish: big, little, huge, colourful, plain, silver, etc. They had sharks, rays, eels, again in different sizes and shapes. Once you look at the outside and have paid your ticket you get to walk up closer to them and then get to go in a glass tunnel, where you can see them swimming at you, around you and over you. Way, Way cool. It is long enough but not really long in the grand scheme of things but we spent over an hour just walking through the tunnel and watching everything swim by. There were so many different fish that everytime you looked you found a new one.

We finally made it through the tunnel and headed up to the underwater zoo. Yes we are still in the mall. Here they had otters, turtles, pirhanas, jelly fish, sea horses, dragon fish, razor fish, seals, penguins, alot of different rays, small sharks, poison dart frogs, crocs, Nemo, Dory, Puffer from Finding Nemo. The kids had a blast. So did Wayne and I. The kids even got to feed the fish that were in the huge aquarium. It was an amazing day.

The kids and I have seven more days to our holiday. I don't know how we are going to even come close to today in the wow factor.


  1. Hi Guys Looks like you had an awesome day. Its pretty cool to see all those "fish"swimming over your head.When we went to Myrtle Beach with Aunt Dot and Uncle Doug we saw something the same.Love Oma and Poppa xoxox

  2. Hey Patrick and Samantha,
    Meghan says it looks like you are having so much fun that she wants to come with you!! Of course we all feel that way!! We miss you lots, but are having fun experiencing your adventures from here.
    Love you guys,
    Kris, Rob, Meghan and Nolan

  3. what an awesome place - actually both places. Kyle says he really misses everyone, but he wishes he could have gone to see the fish too. Glad to see you are all doing well, lots of love, hugs and kisses,
    Auntie, Uncle and the Green Boyz

  4. Nice pics, what an great day to see all that stuff at once. The kids must have loved the aquarium, it looks so cool that you can be that close to that many varieties of things.

    Here's hoping your your week off goes just as a good as this one day!

    Love ya lots,

    Michael and Nadine

  5. eeeeek!!! Sharks!!
    Well, except for the shark that looked a way cool place to visit.
    And the Mosque too (not sure why, but i love the pic of Patrick reclining on the carpet).
    Justin will be SO happy to hear that you saw some camels (wild or otherwise :-)
