Monday, November 2, 2009

October 30, 2009 - Our third visa run!

Hopefully this is the last one. Wayne has his residence visa already and our paperwork is in the process. We headed to the Oman boarder at Al Ain, once again. This time we stayed at a different hotel. The crossing was a bit different from last time, but it seems things change here quite regularly and quickly.

We were able to get things done fairly quickly in the morning and we enjoyed the afternoon at the zoo. We saw a lot of cool animals. This time we even got to see the giraffes!! There is enough there that we will probably go back, as we didn't see everything. And the really cool part as a parent was it was CHEAP. For the four of us to go, it was 35 dirhams (about $10).

We saw some Arabian animals (Ibex, Oryx...), African animals (zebras, giraffes, rhinos..), an ostrich, flamingos, monkeys, peligans, some wierd bird with Samantha hair. It is a neat place to take a picnic, lots of green space and picnic areas, lots of animals to see and there is even a train. We didn't go on the train, so we will definitly have to go back. :)

Once finished we headed back to the hotel for a swim before supper. This hotel had a water slide that was super fast. They also had a water fountain that was strong. The kids (all three of them) had fun in the strong current it made.

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