Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tour of Oman II - 21-24 December, 2009

The next morning after our Oman tour, we headed to Al Ain- YES once again we piled into the truck for MORE driving! :) We saw the country side - sand and more sand. There was a geocache stop at Fossil Rock. Then we made it to Al Ain, for another windy drive up the mountain side. We stayed at our favourite hotel on Jebel Hafeet.

Once checked in, we had a little lunch and got our bathing suits on. The kids wanted to take Nana and Grandad down the waterslides. I caught them on video! :) So I have one picture for you of Nana, Grandad and Wayne chill-laxing at the swim up bar. Then there is one video of the waterslides. ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, your descriptions of your travels are fabulous. Thanks for the excellent blog. You have a career in travel writing.

    Happy New Year to everyone.
