Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tourists in Abu Dhabi- December 20, 2009

Well our visitors have been here a week and where has the time gone? Nana and Grandad did some exploring of the downtown while everyone else was at work/school. Patrick and Samantha took them in to show their classes and for the winter concert. Thank goodness the concert is over- Samantha will maybe stop singing "Jingle Bells". Ha! Fat chance!! :)

We went to the Grand Mosque on Thursday. Once again, it was awe inspiring. Don't we look lovely in our togs.
On Saturday, we went to the Heritage Village; what a neat place. They had set up a sample of homes in a fishing village, homes in a farming community, museum - with jewerly, clothes, photos, dishes, swords, buildings with some samples of the crafts - leather, shell inlay, swords, perfumes, pottery, camels, Arabian horses. Nana and Grandad found the dhow boats. Go figure! :) Patrick got to try out his hand at making a vase (Sophie, you would've been proud!)
This next week we are headed out for a little tour of the northern Emirates and into Oman. It should be a pretty awesome drive (if a bit nerve wracking). Checking out Google Earth there are a lot of switch-backs with the edge of the ocean on one side and the mountain face on the other. We will post photos when we come back.

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