Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wadi Madbah - December 2-4, 2010

Wadi Madbah was our camping destinition for the weekend.  Our friends (Katie, Nate, Meghan and Jad) thought they would join us and give camping with the kids a try!  We got there and got our camp set up and then went for a hike up a mountain to see what we could see.  All that we could see was the other side of the mountain with the sun shining down on it! :)

In the morning the kids were up at their usual ridiculous time so we went for a hike in our PJ's.  Once back at camp we played a bit of cards while waiting for breakfast to be ready.  After breakfast we were off to explore the wadi.  We came across a very "cool" pool and much jumping in and swimming ensued (not me - it was toooo cold!).  We had a picnic lunch at the pools and then off for a hike up the wadi.  Nate found a rock that he decided must come out and got all the boys in on the action throwing other rocks at it to try and knock it out.  Alas the rock could not be dislodged; better luck next birthday week Nate...

A view of our lovely camp and the guys making a fire for supper (seriously - how many guys should it take to make a fire?).


  1. Looks like an awesome weekend.Your own private swimming hole,how cool was that.Love Oma and Poppa xoxoxoxo

  2. hi, very interesting adventure... when you went to this place, is it passing the border? any documents required there? how is the process of going out and came back in? thank you...
