Saturday, February 19, 2011

Drive to Petra - December 28, 2010

We started off our long drive down to Petra by stopping for a beautiful view of the Dead Sea and a geocache. :)

We followed the King's Highway down to Petra.  What fantastic views and some pretty hairy drives through the mountains and into the wadis.  We were on top of the plateau yet just at sea level (left) and we had to descend into the wadi (right) in order to get to the other side.  The road was very windy with a lot of switch backs - Wayne didn't think it was much fun but the kids and I had a great time admiring the views.  About half way to the bottom there was a hot springs resort (middle) that had a "cool" waterfall.

There was a look out over Wadi Mujib, which we stopped at to give Wayne a break and everyone a chance to stretch our legs.  This wadi is part of a nature reserve (closed for the season) which sounds and looks like a very neat place to come back and explore (maybe some day).

We were able to work in a castle into our route.  Karak castle was built AD 1142; the kids had a blast exploring it.  We even needed headlamps to see everything (dungeons and storage).  It was amazing to see the rock arches and we marvelled at how they managed to keep them standing in the first place let alone for over 850 years.

We also saw some bedouin camps along our drive.  It was quite common to see the camps along the roads with the kids out playing with the goats and the colourful laundry drying in the wind.  I can handle camping for three days and two nights but can't imagine camping every night. :)

It was a long day of driving for everyone and we were quite happy to finally arrive in Petra.  We did a little bit of roaming around but it was early to bed so that we could explore Petra tomorrow.

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