Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Days of school - September 1, 2009

We have all had our first days now at work and school. Patrick is totally into the swing of things now. Samantha... we are still working on that. The first couple of days have been rough so far, but hopefully things will get better for her. I'm doing fine at work. Starting to get the hang of everyone's name in my class. There are kids from all over in my class (Egypt, Australia, Italy, Netherlands, USA, Canada, UAE, Turkey, and South Korea). It has been neat talking to them. The teacher that I'm working with seems pretty cool.

Wayne is getting back into work. He has been helping out with Samantha (she is done at 12 and with Ramadan there is no Kids Kare for her), so she has daughter/Daddy dates for the afternoon.

We are off to Al Ain this weekend to do the border crossing for our visitors visa. The place we are booked into looks nice, right in the mountains. Wayne says that there is a zoo there that is open at night so hoping to take the kids there. The drive is suppose to be pretty cool too. It is through the desert but the sand changes colour through out. We are getting some tips from our neighbours who have done the cross over three times. It should be fun. Our first venture out of the city.


  1. Hi guys Oma and Poppa were looking at the pictures,you both look like you are having lots of fun.Is that ever a beautiful place where you are riding your scooters.I think you both look really good in your school uniforms too.Oma and Poppa are real proud of you both.Hugs and kisses xoxo
    Hope you all have a good weekend away,hope to hear from you soon.Love Mom and Dad xoxo

  2. Wow look at the pair of you all dressed in your uniforms. Very nice. Samantha you look so pretty in your dress, you are such a big girl.

    Have fun on your trip guys. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  3. Hi guys
    Glad to see you are all doing well. Great job on the swimming - keep practising for jumping off the raft! Your school uniforms look great.
    Patrice and Sheri and all the boys (yes, 6 of them) are here for a couple days. Grandad needs to buy more scotch!
    thiniking of you lots, and hoping you are making new friends at your new school.
    Lots of Love,
    Nana and Grandad
