Saturday, August 29, 2009

The weekend- August 29,2009

Hello everyone! We had a nice weekend. We actually got out in the evenings the last two nights. With everything being holiday hours, the stores close at 3pm and then re-open between 7-9 pm. So Thursday night we did a bit of evening shopping with the kids and then they played on this huge blow up slide that they have at the mall. It looked like alot of fun. Last night, we headed out to the park after dark with the kids and their scooters. What a blast, but hot. The kids wanted to go in the splash pad but by the time we got there it was shut down and there was no water pressure left, but there was enough water coming out to at least get cooled off. When we got back home we headed to the pool to see the lights from the roof top, and then they had a late night swim. Right now, the streets are full of lights (like our Christmas), stars, laterns, moons etc. It is very pretty.
Wayne is slowly getting better. Least we know the folding couch is comfortable, since he has been sleeping there for this past week. :) The kids are ready to head to school (who am I kidding-I'm ready for the kids to go to school:) Patrick starts tomorrow and Samantha on Monday. My first week was good. I was mostly by myself since the teacher was a last minute hire and didn't get here till Thursday (their last day of work for the weekend). So we'll see how this week goes. At least the hours are short right now (8:30-2).

There is lots more to tell you, but on borrowed internet so it will have to wait. Talk to you soon.


  1. Good luck kids with the start of school. You'll do awesome and have so much fun.

    Glad to see that evrythign is settling down and you're able to get out and explore and start seeing the sights.

    Love you all.

    Michael and Nadine

  2. Hi guys.glad to hear things are going well. good luck on your first day of school Patrick and Samantha.TALK to you Oma and Poppa xoxo
    Also happy to hear that your job is going well Lisa and just know you will be good at it.Good to know that the pull out is comfy.Hope you all have a good week and also weekend in Oman.All our love Mom and Dad xoxo

  3. Glad to hear your getting all settled in. And Lisa you drove with all those CRAZY drivers lol.
    ! That makes you one of them! TTFN Love u all Marie
