Monday, December 14, 2009

13 December - A Flood in Abu Dhabi?

It poured, and poured, and poured... There is nothing like 12 hours of solid driving rain in a desert city with little to no stormwater infrastructure to make a mess of things.

Check out these YouTube videos (Video1, Video2), both of which were taken right outside of our Apt. building. All and all it was an exciting day of driving - Beastor needs a bath!

We picked up Nana & Grandad at the airport. The kids made a banner and ran to them giving flying hugs as they came out the doors as a surprise. It was a late night for everyone but well worth it - even if they were cranky today [uh - the kids I mean :) ].

1 comment:

  1. We are pleased to see that Terry and Ruth arrived safely. It sure was strange to see all that rain in an arid region of the world. We have had a little rain here in Hilton Head, South Carolina but nothing like you have had. We wish everyone a great holiday season.

    David and Molly
