Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A day of Treasure Hunting - March 12, 2010

Today, our mission was to do as many treasures as we could find.  :)  As you can see I have my hands full with a house full of monkeys.  I should have left them at the zoo!

We had a lot of fun treasure hunting today.  We saw new sites of the city, and just outside of the city.  We saw many different kinds of treasure chests.  AND we found some mud puddles to play around in.  :)  I don't know who had more fun - the kids shouting "Go faster Dad!" or the kid behind the wheel going faster!

Well, the grand total of treasures today was 13 out of 15 found!!  What a day.


  1. what kind of treasures were you looking for? Random items, or were you geocaching? We want you to teac us ow to geocache this summer - there are some near our ouse, and lots down in Niagara. We just had March Break, and we thought the weather was pretty warm here at +17, but Wayne says the weather there is like +34 - that's just crazy!
    Miss you guys tons! Have fun on your upcoming vacation.
    Auntie, Uncle and the Green boys

  2. Looks like fun. Nice dirty truck, I'm sure it was the bigger kid having the most fun, just look at him in the tree. :) The bolt cache is an awesome find, pretty neat.

    Uncle Mike
