Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Zoo Trip - March 5, 2010

We had a lot of fun at the zoo.  Wayne was a bit tired since we had just picked him up from the airport this morning flying in from London.  The kids enjoyed it though.  The penguins put on a bit of a show for us - swimming fast past the window and then jumping out of the water.  The kids (all four of us) thought it was awesome.  We had been before at the end of the summer but hadn't seen everything.  So today we hit the parts that would have been new to us.  They also had new animals there that hadn't been there before - white lions.

In Feb., they had also opened the dinosaur part of the zoo.  That was very well done.  The dinosaurs moved and growled.  There was even one that "spit" on you.  :)  Over all a very fun tiring day!

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