Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wadi Bani Awf - April 5, 2010

Today we were going to drive the Wadi Bani Awf route that goes over the Hajar Mountains to Muscat.  We didn't get to do much hiking today, because we had a sick little girl.  She came down with a fever after we were about half way through the drive.  We continued on and the scenery was amazing.  We are definitely heading back for this drive.  There were a couple of canyons that are a must see, that we missed.

We went through several villages on route.  We always kidded that Dacre was in the middle of no-where, well Dacre has nothing on these villages.  Their drive to town is more than the half hour it used to take me.  :)We saw fajals coming down the mountain, a soccer pitch on the top of the mountain, deep gorges, and windy twisty dirt roads.

Once we were down the mountain, it was a wadi drive back out to the highway.  This wadi had water in it as well, that we had to drive through.  It was an amazing drive that will be repeted hopefully with a few hikes added.  Once we were at the highway we headed into Muscat and then around the mountain back to Nizwa.  On the way back we made a few stops for some geocaches at a hot spring and a look-out point.  Samantha slept on and off for the whole drive.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys again awesome sites.How does Wayne do with the drive?Whoa.Love Mom and Dad xoxoxoxo
