Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jabrin Fort / Old Tanuf - April 4, 2010

Today was a take it easy kind of day.  We started off with going to Bahla, to hopefully check out their souk for handmade goods, but we couldn't find the place.  We drove through their streets for a little tour - we saw some new building right beside the older ones, and an ancient wall (that surrounded the city) that is still standing in places throughout the town.

After exploring Bahla for a bit we went to Jabrin Fort.  This fort was first built as a palace in the 1600's, but was later converted into a fort.  It has been restored and a very neat place to visit with all the different passage ways, jails, reading rooms, date storage rooms, baths (Patrick had to figure out how the bath was working), courtyards, etc.  There were paintings on the ceilings and carvings on the wall.  A very cool place to explore with the kids.


Once done at the castle we went to the ruins of Old Tanuf.  This town had been bombed in the mid 1950's.  We did a little exploring and a little geocache hunting here in the ruins.

We made an early day of it and headed back to the hotel for an afternoon of swimming.  That evening we went into Nizwa for some exploring of the town and for supper.  We found the market where they were selling pottery, silver, old Arabian knives (the curved ones), and many more neat things.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys Some really cool pictures.Are the kids in jail hence Sam's pout?Love to all Oma and Poppa xoxoxoxoxox
