Friday, October 22, 2010

Summer Vacation at Oma and Poppa's - June 27 to July 12, 2010

We had a busy summer visiting everyone.   Here are a few snapshots of some of our activities.  Below are pictures of Poppa taking us to the top of Calabogie Peaks.  What a view!!

We also did a bunch of geocaching with Oma and Poppa.  Poppa is very good at finding the caches.  :)

We decided to go to the top of the Peaks again to watch the July 1st fireworks.  What a sight!  We could see them going off on the horizon from Ottawa to Pembroke.  We also caught a beautiful sunset and man was it freezing.

Another day of geocaching with Oma and Poppa.

On our way to visit Uncle Mike and Tanta Dean at their campsite - we stopped to geocache *grin* and have a picnic.

At Uncle Mike and Tanta Dean's campsite.  What a wonderful afternoon visiting and had dogs over the campfire.  YUMMY!!!

Spent the afternoon with Marie in her pool! :)  A wonderful time visiting, swimming, sliding in and water fights.

An afternoon at Uncle Mike and Tanta Dean's place.  The girls went for a pedicure.  Samantha's first.  We had a lot of fun.

The kids on the mini quad bikes having fun at Oma and Poppa's.  The bikes got their workout during the weeks we were there.  :)  Check out Samantha's girlie (pink) helmet!!

Near the end of our first stay in Dacreville we had the Kuiken reunion campout.  It was awesome seeing everyone (We really missed you, Em and Seth - maybe next year).  It started out that we had to setup in the rain, again (3 years in a row :( ) but the weekend ended up being beautiful.  We had fun exploring the beach and campground, playing with Luke, chatting with everyone and having some bonfires.

We had an awesome and action packed two weeks at Oma and Poppa's.  Now we are off to catch the train down to NOTL for a couple of weeks with Nana and Grandad.


  1. It's about time you left Paris.LOL love Mom

  2. Yay, you got a chance to update the blog!!! Great pics!

  3. I love these pics, too. You always do such a great job of capturing your fun family times together. Makes me think we should really have the camera out more often.
