Monday, September 6, 2010

Our final day - June 25th, 2010

We saved the best for last!!  Today we were going to the top of the Eiffel Tower.  We went early to try and beat some of the line.  First we saw the "Wall for Peace" - it has the word peace written in 49 languages and 18 different alphabets on a glass wall.  Very neat.  Then we headed to the tower.  The kids and I were very excited about going to the top - Dad not so much :)

Again the view was amazing but a little bit hazy.  Next we went to a park that was nearby for lunch and a walk around.  The kids were being like the many statues that they had seen this week :)

And for lunch... I'll have the hot dog!  Man do you see the size of that thing.  I think we could have split it between the two of them and still had leftovers!

What an amazing trip and we had so much fun exploring the city!


  1. Awesome trip photos! Thank you so much for posting them. Oliver enjoyed them, too.

  2. The statue photo is AWESOME!!
    (Ok, I have a question - did Squeaks actually eat the bun, or just the giant hot dog??)

  3. There is no way they ate even half of those hot dogs!! I laughed out loud at the kids being statues. Meghan was asking about the Eiffel tower just the other day...they're watching a movie right now, but I will be sure to show them all of these pictures. You are creating amazing memories for Patrick and Samantha.

  4. Awesome photos Lisa! Thanks so much for sharing your adventures! We miss you all. Even though we don't comment a lot, we're looking. I will try to comment more! Odessa and D'lyla say Hi to Patrick and Sam! They liked seeing Patrick's Salem shirt in the other photos! :)
    Colleen, Mike & family xo
