Friday, November 19, 2010

Hallowe'en - October 31,2010

This was a doublely exciting day becasue not only could the kids get dressed up and go ask for free candy but Dad was coming home.  He had been in Guelph for a week for work.

During the week the sign up sheet had gone up in the lobby.  Patrick decided to go as a construction worker and Samantha was a ladybug.  Patrick even has a 5 o'clock shadow and the attitude to go with it.  You can't see them, but Samantha has some lovely red wings with black sparkly dots, to complete her outfit.

We decided to go trick or treating for an hour and then the last hour the kids wanted to hand out candy.  We were able to do our whole building in the hour and they got LOTS of loot.  I might even have to help them eat it. :D

Once candy handouts were done we were on our way to the airport to surprise Dad and pick him up.  What a busy day - will have some tired kids in the morning but worth it for the smiles they had for Wayne.


  1. Great costumes, and it looks like you had fun. Oh, and it's so kind of you to offer to help the kids out with the candy, Lisa. Such a big sacrifice! lol

  2. It's very important that all children understand and accept the "candy management fee!" I have not been very successful staying away from the candy. Thank goodness it's down to the dregs and I'm no longer interested!
