Friday, November 19, 2010

Last Week in Canada (NOTL- August 16-24, 2010

We are in our last week of summer vacation and I can't believe how the time has flown.  Wayne was able to get in the use of some power tools since he had gone into withdrawal in Abu Dhabi.  Afterwards there was also a lot of playing going on in the lake with Grandad, Dad, and the kids.  Look out Patrick and Dad here comes Samantha and Grandad to knock you over!

We also got in a great sail.  I think Grandad was getting us wet on purpose! The kids loved it - the more waves the better.

We had a family & friends party weekend with lots of yummy food to eat (thanks to the talented Chef Patrice).  There were also lots of shinagins going on in the lake and plenty of laughs and chit chatting as well.  There may have even been a bit of  "partying" taking place as well.  Kristen are you really drinking scotch; or maybe just holding it for Jhenn?! :)

Kids of all sizes were in on the action at the raft.  I think the bigger ones had the upper hand at one time but the smaller ones were able to hold their own when they managed to knock off Andrew.

At one point we convinced the kids to go play in the field so that we could even get in a bit of "grown-up time".  I think Rob even got a few ZZZ's (as usual).

There is twinkle toes Kinnear!  Once again there was too much food but it was all sooooo good.

It was a long day so some downtime for the kids with a movie was in order.  Wait is that the buzzy bee I see - look out Grandad!  That thing just keeps on going....

For those that were able to stay overnight, there was a morning boat ride up the river.  What a nice way to end a lovely weekend with your family and friends.

Well that ends our time in Canada and it is back to Abu Dhabi to start Year 2.  We all had an awesome time with everyone in NOTL, Dacre, Ottawa, New Hamburg, Oshawa, Guelph, and Salem, and will be counting the days until we are back for more visits.


  1. I would just like to say that there appears to be no photographic evidence that I was sleeping at any point during that day. I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just saying you didn't catch me ;)

  2. Hahaha! I saw the sleeping! :)

    These are such great shots - they bring back memories of a terrific day. Thanks

  3. Great pics Lisa! That was an awesome weekend! PS Could someone please find a cure for whatever it is that turns me into a goof when I see a camera!?! Thank you.

  4. For the record...that was not my scotch...just ask Mr. B!!

    Great pics, it was a fantastic day, although bittersweet because it was the end of the summer with you guys :(
