Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10, 2009 4:30 am- We have arrived!!!

The kids at Pearson with all our luggage, before departure.
Well we are finally in Abu Dhabi. The Limo ride to the airport was fun, especially for the kids. The flight was long but the kids did really well. Patrick fell asleep during take off, and Samantha was at the window seat saying "COOL". We all were able to sleep some which was good. The traveling part of the adventure got old fast for the kids, but overall they did very well.

The ride from the airport to the hotel was a bit trying. The hotel was supposed to send a van to fit the 8 large suitcases, two knap sacs, two carry on luggage, two carseats with kids and two adults. What did we get... A Chevy Malibu that took 6 of the peices of luggage in the trunk and the rest was crammed in with us (Grrrr). :( But at the end of the flight you just want to get to the hotel so we managed.

Once at the hotel, the kids and I checked out the roof top pool and the view. We'll try swimming tomorrow, no I guess it would be later today (this is confusing). The plan for today is to head to the apartment to show the kids around, and then to get some furniture shopping done. As you can see we are a bit turned around with the time shift. So we'll be working on that the next few days as well. :)


  1. Thanks for the post!
    I was just wondering how you were and returned from my lunch break to find your e-mail.
    I hope the jet lag passes quickly and you have a smooth transition into your apartment.
    A big hug to all of you,

    :) Paula

  2. Yay!! I can't wait to read all about your adventures :-)
    Hugs to the munchkins (tell Patrick that I ate some of the cauliflower from the pickle jar all by myself yesterday...and it made me think of him! hee)

  3. Glad you guys made it safely. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures through your blog, I would have never imagined my sister was technical enough to have a blog. Way to go... Nerd ;)
