Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11,2009 - Checking off the list...

Well between yesterday and today, we are getting things done. The rest of the furniture has been ordered as well as our appliances. Things are beeing delivered tomorrow and early next week. Tomorrow Wayne will be looking for a car and getting the phone/internet set up, so hopefully we will have internet at the apartment shortly. I got talking to the school and have set up a "chat" with the prinicipal next week. Here's keeping my fingers crossed.

We seem to be going to exteremes when it comes to waking up time. Yesterday we were all up by 4 am, with the kids falling asleep in various places (in stores on couches, taxis and at the supper table in mid chew). Today we all slept in until 12:00 pm. I think tomorrow we are setting the alarm to try and get back on track. :)

This evening, the kids got to try out the garden maze on the corniche. Although it was hot, the kids found it very "cool". They made it into the centre with some help from Dad but Patrick was able to lead us all out to safety. We tried to take some photos but the camera fogged up - will have to sort out how to do that soon.


  1. So great to hear from you and glad things are going well (with the exception of the time change!). Can't wait to hear more :)
    Love Kris

  2. Hi everyone.. so great to hear from you and glad things are going well. Maybe the kids can play flashlight tag on the roof when they are up at 4am..lol hope it all straightens out with the time. Love to all and greetings from Syracuse :)

    Love Aunt Cathy

  3. Thinking of you all lots. Glad to see things are starting to get settled. Hugs to all from us!
    P & K

  4. Other than "mixed up biological clock syndrome" we're very happy to hear things are settling. It will, no doubt, take some time to get used to things over there, but how exciting at the same time!?! Good luck at the school Lisa, I'll have my fingers crossed (toes, arms, eyes...) for you to be given a position there. Once they meet you in person, there'll be no question :) Take care everyone, we'll all be watching for the latest news! And pictures, once the fog clears ;) Tammy & Family
