Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009 - Radio Silence...

Well we check out of the hotel tomorrow morning and move into the apartment for good. We got our stove, microwave, TV and some other kitchen gadgets delivered today. Tomorrow we hope to get our air shipment from home but it is technically a day off so it might be delayed another day - we'll see. Our refridgerator is being delivered on Saturday and then the rest of the furniture comes on the 17th so we are almost there in terms of outfitting the place. The rest will come in dribs and drabs.

We rented a car for a month to make the daily errands. Lisa even drove to the grocery store and Ikea all by herself (she was a bit shell-shocked when she returned but very proud of herself). Later this evening we took the kids to the roof for a night-time swim which was a lot of fun (another first).

We do not have our Internet or phone installed in the apartment yet so we will be unable to e-mail, Skype, MSN, or blog for several days and possibly a week or more. Don't worry; we'll post as soon as we are "live" again. TTFN!

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous, you have an Ikea all the way over there, my favorite store...I don't have an Good luck with settling in and look forward to hearing from you all again when you are "live". Love to all. Aunt Cathy
