Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17 - All is well

Just a quick post... We are still waiting to get paperwork processed before we can apply for Internt, TV, etc. so are still out of touch for the most part. We are all well and doing fine. It is another busy week with the last of the furnitutre being delivered today and then vists to the school for the kids and Lisa.

Our air shipment finally arrived so now the kids have some toys; Lisa and I were probably more excited than they were - thank goodness for ponies and lego :)


  1. You know you are a seasoned parent when you are grateful for ponies and Glad to hear all is progressing well. Good luck with the school visits and look forward to hearing all about it. Take care...hey it's in the 90's here, can only imagine what your climate feels like. Love to all, Aunt Cathy :)

  2. Friday, August 21st - 'Ramadan Kareem' Boulton Family! Looking forward to posted pictures and stories from afar. Nice car Patrick! And good to hear those ponies and legos made it there safe! Hope everyone is doing well! Keep us posted on the school position Lisa, good luck to you!! Take care, Tammy & Family

  3. yay for ponies and lego :-)
    glad to hear the stuff has arrived...
    hugs, jhenn&justin

  4. Hope your up and running soon - I keep checking for updates! I'm sure everyone is doing great. Lisa, have you heard anything about a position at the school? Give the kids hugs and kisses for us :)
    Love Kris, Rob, Meghan and Nolan
