Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27, 2009 - Ramadan Kareem!

Yes we're still here... It has been a hectic few weeks.

I am just recovering from being quite sick with an evil, U.A.E. strain of strep throat (yippee!). The one good thing is that I now have a Dr. for Lisa and myself in the building adjacent to our flat. She only treats adults but gave us the names and numbers of some good kids doctors nearby.

Lisa was offered and has accepted a Teacher's Assistant position at the school. It pays beans but it is great for Lisa to have something she can do. It also means a fair bit of coordinating schedules and it has been especially tough this past week as she has had to go in to get setup and I've had the kids on and off at the office with me (while being sick). We think we have figured out how to make it all work with cars and taxis; things will get easier once Ramadan is over on Sept. 18th (the kids are also on reduced days and there is no after-class care for Samantha during Ramadan). Next week is the first week of school for the kids. They are quite excited; Samantha being a little more apprehensive, which is to be expected.

The weekend of the 4th/5th we will be driving to Al Ain and into Oman so that we can renew our visitor visas for another 30 days. we plan to make a weekend adventure out of it. Having said that, we are hoping that all of that paperwork will be completed within the next 2-3 weeks.

The kids have still not missed a single day of swimming. Patrick can swim the entire length of the pool (~40') and Samantha can do the full width (~25') several times (with short breaks climbing on Dad in between attempts). So much for bothering to bring two sets of water wings...


  1. Congrats Sis! It does sound hetic but I'm sure you'll soon find your rythym once everyones schedule gets set.

    That is awesome that the kids are swimming so much. Bravo 'Squeaks' for getting the hang of it!

    Wayne we hope you are feeling better soon, but hey at least you got a doctor early on. And hopefully now that you are out of the cold the kids will be less sick this winter (*cough* 40 degree weather *cough*).

    Thinking of you guys lots and so glad you are getting settled.

  2. Sorry to hear you've been sick, hope you're feeling better soon. That's great news for Lisa and, once everyone's schedules are figured out, things will feel less crazy.

    Sounds like the kids have turned into regular fish!!! Meghan is impressed!

    I can't believe Samantha starts school this year - how's Lisa coping with that. I did not do well on Nolan's first day!

    Tell the kids we are thinking about them lots!
    Love you guys,
    Kris and Rob

  3. Hi guys Glad to hear things are starting to come together.Congrats Lisa on your job posting.Sorry to hear you have been under the weather Wayne.Patrick and Samantha it sounds like your swimming is going real well keep up the good work.Hope things go well for you at school also.Hugs and kisses to all,love Mom/Oma and Dad/Poppa xoxo

  4. It is good to hear from you and glad to hear everything is going so well. Congrats Lisa on the job, I am sure that it will be just perfect for you and the kids will love you :) Sounds like you have some minnows in the family ....LOL Have fun in school guys and look forward to your next posting. Love to all from Syracuse, Aunt Cathy
