Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My first camel ride! - Feb. 21, 2010

My first day back to school and my class is going on a field trip - Yahoo!!!  We went to this island just off of Al Raha beach.  Only schools are invited to visit this island.  The kids thought it was great.  We drove out by bus and then took a boat out to the island, and then a bus again to get to the camel pens.  Once there we all got to take the camels for a ride.  It was awesome.  A bit scary getting up and down, because they raise their back end first so you are tipped forwards almost to the point of falling off and then raise the front end.  The same for getting off the camel.  In both cases very scary!  BUT once you are up and walking around with the camel it was very neat.

After the camel rides we headed to another spot on the island where they have an indoor horse riding pen where we got to ride horses.  What a hoot!  They also had ostriches in pens and gazelles wandering around the island.  What a neat trip for the kids (and me).

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