Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Camping trip - Feb 26-27, 2010

We just got our truck back so decided to head out camping.  We went back to the same area that Wayne and the kids had gone with Ewan and without me.  The guys wanted to do a bit more exploring and it was a close spot that we could get to it on Thursday night.

Thursday night was a nice relaxed night.  We were up early Friday and raring to go.  The picture on the left is of the sunrise hitting the dunes.  After breakfast we secured everything at the site and then went out to do some exploring.  They took me past the mud flats that they had played on before.  We started up into the dunes and did some gentle exploring.   It was really windy and the dust was flying, which made it harder to drive - or so I'm told :).

The picture on the right is to show you that yes we were out camping and driving around in a sand storm.  It got worse through the day, so I'm glad we headed home Friday afternoon.

Through our exploring we found the perfect spot to camp next time.  A little oasis in the middle of some very high (30m?) dunes (picture on the left).  It was a neat spot.  We walked down to explore because at the time weren't sure if we could drive in and out.  There is lots of shade for us to pitch our tents in and the palm leaves that have fallen will make awesome fire wood.  I can't wait to go back and try it.  We also found a gazelle's horn.  Of course it came home with us :)  The picture on the right is of Wayne and Ewan walking down the crest of one of the dunes that rim the oasis to find the best way in and out of it - because I certainly don't want to have to hike all the gear down and then back up! :)  I think all the guys need are some brown robes and then they could be "Jawas" from Star Wars :)

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