Monday, April 26, 2010

Camping at the Hanging Gardens - March 26/27, 2010

We had a wonderful week-end but have come to realize that this was probably our last camp out.  It is too hot at night now for camping.  We woke up and the temperature was still reading at 34 C.  It was neat though because this was our first camp out not in sand.  Definitely cleaner from that prepective.

On our way we got a little lost but that was ok because we did a mini hike and saw some new plants.  We also got seeing the spiney tailed lizard on our detour.  Patrick took our photo for us, so thought I would share. :)

We got to the start of the hike for the bat caves and hanging gardens.  Found a primo spot for our tent so parked the truck there for the day, and then set out for our hike.  There was a treasure hidden at the bat cave but unfortunately we could not find it.  Oh well we'll just have to head out there again sometime. :)  The kids did a wonderful job on the hike.  It was hard going on some of the parts.  The hanging gardens were pretty neat to see.  The water was falling from the side of the cliff.  There was enough falling to get some heads wet to cool off.  Here are a few pics of the hike and views.

Here are a few pics of the camp site and the camels about 150m from our site.  A picture of the kids in the fire light.  Another camel shot but it is a baby and soooo cute!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys That looks awesome,what a camp out.Nice picture taking Patrick.Love Oma and Poppa xoxoxoxo
