Monday, April 26, 2010

Oman Trip (Abu Dhabi - Wadi Damm- Nizwa) - April 2, 2010

We decided on our spring break that we would tour the Western Hajar Mountains in Oman.  Our first day was mostly driving but we did get stopping for a geocache and a hike in Wadi Damm before going to our hotel in Nizwa.  Our first stop was at a castle for a treasure hunt.  This was a neat place, we saw our first falaj.  A falaj is their irrigation system in Oman.  It is basically a channel that has a slight slope to it and moves the water through out the farms (see picture).

The rock folds in the mountain was very neat to see (first set of pictures below).  Again we got a little turned around (blame the navigator- too busy gawking at the site and not paying attention to the directions :) )  From the drive up the mountain a bit and once we got turned back around again we did find some cool views.  In the second set of pictures below, the left picture there was a tomb on the hill behind the new style buildings (concert) built beside the old style buildings (mud bricks).  The picture on the right looks to be a platform for either an old lookout tower or some houses.  We thought it was very Indiana Jones looking.

At the start of Wadi Damm we stopped for lunch and got everything ready for our hike.  We were not sure what to expect but it was pretty amazing.  First of all there was still water running in this wadi!  There were little pools throughout the rocks and they had fish in them!!  Where the fish came from who knows - it looked like the source of the water was spring based.  Also the colour of the water was a beautiful aqua blue.

It was a lovely spot to stop and explore.  As we were leaving we found some good camping spots for next fall/winter, for a return trip and further exploring.  On our way out to the main road we passed the beehive tombs, which are dated from about the third millennium BC.  We didn't go up to see them this time,  but definitely next!


  1. Awesome pictures,looks like you had a very good holiday.Enjoyed looking at the pics. Love Mom and Dad xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Where the fish came from who knows - it looked like the source of the water was spring based. Also the colour of the water was a beautiful aqua blue.

    Bloom Gardens
