Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Church and a Park today - June 21st, 2010

This morning we started out our day by going to Sacre de Coeur.   It is built on the hightest point in the city.  It was quite the climb from the subway and then we had all these stairs - but it was worth it.  A very beautiful church - the stain glass windows were gorgeous!  The kids got a kick out of being taller than the Eiffel tower :)

Of course you can't have a church without some gargoyles.

At the bottom of the hill from the church there was a double decker carousel that the kids tried out!

When I was planning this trip and was looking for geocaches in the area, I had come across this neat sounding park.  That was our next stop.  I am so glad we went - it was an amazing park (Parc des Buttes Chaumont).  First of all it was huge with lots of green space - lots of walking paths, water falls, caves, cliffs, islands, neat trees and statues.  We had such a wonderful time in the park playing and looking for the geocaches.

Below is a picture of Wayne and the kids waiting for the subway (we became quite the experts at riding the subway :) ).  As well as a tank at the Musee de l'Armee by Napoleon's tomb.


  1. Wow! Very cool park! If/when we're in Paris again, we'll definitely have to check it out. Gotta love geocaching, eh?

  2. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! I love that I get to live vicariously through them!

  3. I love the picture of Samantha at the she counting for hide and seek or does she think she is hiding (lol)!
