Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Louvre - June 20th, 2010

The day was still overcast and chilly, so we went to the Louvre.  It was a wonderful morning of seeing some pretty awesome pieces.

We saw the "Winged Victory", "Venus de Milo", a long hallway of paintings and some chick ;)

We also went through the Egyptian exhibit.  Below is the "Great Sphinx of Tanis" and the "Luxor Obelisk". 

There was so much to see but we got our list of must sees done and some extras.  So once we were finished we went outside and did a few geocaches in the courtyard and had some lunch in the gardens.  That evening we saw a super mini car and went to the top of Montparnasse Tower.  We came out on the roof at 207m and then still went up another flight of stairs to the viewing roof.  What an amazing view.

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