Monday, September 6, 2010

Notre Dame - June 23rd, 2010

After passing Notre Dame everyday, today was the day we were going to the top.  We got there early and there was still a huge line up.  Patrick decided that he was going to count the stairs.  There are 385 stairs to the very top of the towers and if you counted the ones to the bell tower there are a total of 426 stairs.

I think everybody's favourite was seeing the gargoyles at the top.  There were so many of them - for every water spout and at the corners.  There were the famous ones from the movie, a wizard, a gargoyle bitting off the head of a chicken, storks and knights.

Here we are heading up to see the bells.

We are at the very top of the right tower looking over the city.  What a view!

Once we came back down we went into the church for a look around.  The windows were amazing.

After Notre Dame we went to the Science Museum.  This wasn't nearly as good as Science North - but we went into a Submarine and got to see everything on it.  There was also this neat park beside it that had these art deco things in it - Can anyone guess what the theme was? :)

1 comment:

  1. I finally convinced the kids to watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame...only because I told them you said they should see it. I have to show them these pics to see if they recognize the gargoyles from the movie.
