Monday, September 6, 2010

Tour of Paris by bus - June 24th, 2010

Our last two days we did the bus tour throughout the city.  All along we had been doing the subway to our places and then walking around - it was neat to be on the double decker tour bus and get a view of the city that way.

We got off at the Arc de Triomphe.  The stone work on all the building is very cool.  The stairs up to the top were a spiral case which the kids thought was very neat! :)  The everburning flame is there for the unnamed solider.

At one point we had gotten off the bus for a walk around and found this neat church.

While on the bus tour we had went past the "Thinker".  We never did find out how to get there to see the frontal view :)  Our final exploration for the day was the Invention Museum.  What an awesome museum.  There were so many neat things in there that it could have been an all day or several days to cover it all.  The kids, Wayne and I really enjoyed this museum.

The globe was neat because it was prediscovery of Canada! :)  From the little bit that I was able to understand it was from 17oo.  They had all kinds of neat things from science measurement tools to old computers, weaving machines, bikes, airplanes, road construction machines and old woodworking tools.  This was one place that I wish we had had the time to go back because we didn't see everything. 

1 comment:

  1. Blerg! That spiral staircase photo freaks me out a little :)
    These are great pics Lisa - love them, thanks for sharing!!!
